Limoges Brooches

4 comments Dec 16, 2015

This is my private collection of hand painted Limoges porcelain brooches, cufflinks and buttons. They were made during Victorian times and later.

I saw my first one, an antique, in a case at a Ralph Lauren store in the 1980s. I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever with pink roses. It was $125.00 and I was in my 20s with no way to ever justify buying it. 

So, the hunt began. I combed the antique stores, junk shops and flea markets from California to Brimfield. This was my first find. I was with my best friend, Wendy at an outdoor flea market when I found it. It's still one of my favorites. 

This one broke my heart. It's the only one that I ever found with pansies on it. I was wearing it one day shopping at that very Ralph Lauren store and the pin came unhooked and it crashed to the marble floor shattering in half. I was so devastated! I could not throw it away! I glued it back together. You can tell, but I still love it. 


I found this Art Nouveau piece with bright poppies at Brimfield, on a Wednesday morning standing in May's field in the pouring rain. I was up to my ankles in mud, freezing and wet, but I found my treasure!


I never bought too many figural pieces, but the Native American influence regarding her costume is beautiful to me. I found her on a road trip to Brimfield when we stopped at an antique shop in PA. She's kind of a Victorian Hippie Boho girl. 


This is one of my favorites. I love the delicate flower petals, the raised design and gold accents. The earliest pieces tend to have gold edging and accents. 

 So what do you think of these? I don't buy them anymore to collect unless I see a rare one. I do see good ones for sale. I wonder if anyone collects these anymore.



  • Colette July 7, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    Hi, I have just started collecting, but here in South Africa I can’t find really pretty ones – do you have any to sell???

  • Colette July 7, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    Hi, I have just started collecting, but here in South Africa I can’t find really pretty ones – do you have any to sell???

  • Colette July 7, 2016 at 6:00 am

    Hi, am a “newbie” collector and unfortunately not a spring chicken, so I gotta collect in double time Lol – are you selling any – they make me weep

  • Jan January 10, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    I wish I had discovered these when I was 20 years old. I started looking when I was about 45. They are so beautiful. I wish they didn’t cost so much.

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