Photo Shoot and Facebook Jail

Feb 4, 2016

After the above ad from my Valentine's Day photo shoot ran, I decided that I needed to do one more photo shoot for a Valentine's Day ad. 

After imagining for a couple of days, I came up with this:

I really liked it! What I did not imagine is the trouble that it ended up causing. I submitted it to Facebook as my last Valentine's Day ad for the year. The system accepted it and starting running the ad. About an hour later, I was notified that my ad was declined because I inserted too much text in the photo...except I did not insert ANY text. I don't do that. So, I figured that I was working with an algorithm and a bot, so I shot this one:

The algorithm liked this one because the subject matter blends into the background. Ok, Fine. 

I did not want the white background shot to go to waste so I shared it on my Facebook page. People seemed to like it. Cool. I decided to share it to a dealer page to see what my friends thought of it. When I did this FB gave me a pop-up with 9 photos and I was to choose all of the photos that had cats in them. I did this this and aced the test. I like cats.  I clicked next and I was then placed in Facebook jail. I am no longer allowed to share my posts or post to my business page. But, my ads are still running and they are collecting my money. 

I have contacted my Facebook account manager and have not heard back. If I had known that the word LOVE would get me in this much trouble I would have used the F-Word and had more fun! This is insane! So, for now, I cannot post my fresh finds to my Facebook page.  We will have to catch up when I am out of the doghouse with FB. 

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