Yourgreatfinds Shop Blog

Hi! It's Linda. Here is the place were I like to share information that I think you'll find informative or interesting. I don't blog often, but when I do it's some good stuff!

Yourgreatfinds Journal

Turquoise and Tan Lines Yourgreatfinds
Now, She Understands Me-The Story of the Family Levis Yourgreatfinds
Wonderful Things Yourgreatfinds
Buying Directly From A Picker Yourgreatfinds
Introducing The Palm Springs Estate Yourgreatfinds
Wondering Whose Hallmark This Is Yourgreatfinds
The Year of the Horse and a Mom's Wish Yourgreatfinds
Is This Thing Working Or Not? 🤔 Yourgreatfinds
Sugilite: The Purple Turquoise Yourgreatfinds